How many student attend ssc exam in 2023?

Total student attend ssc exam in 2023

Are you curious about how many students are going to attend the SSC exam in 2023? The SSC exam, also known as the Secondary School Certificate examination, is a vital exam for students in Bangladesh. It determines whether students are eligible for higher education, and it is a significant milestone in their academic journey. In this article, we will discuss the expected number of students attending the SSC exam in 2023 and other related topics.

How many student attend ssc exam in 2023?
How many student attend ssc exam in 2023?

The Importance of the SSC exam 2023

Before we delve into the number of students attending the SSC exam in 2023, let us first discuss the importance of this exam. The SSC exam is a crucial examination for students in Bangladesh, and passing it opens up various opportunities for higher education. After completing the SSC exam, students can pursue higher education in different fields, including science, commerce, and arts. This exam plays a crucial role in shaping the future of students and their academic careers.

Overview of the SSC Exam 2023

The SSC exam is a public examination held in Bangladesh for students in grade 10. The exam is conducted by the Ministry of Education, and it is one of the most important exams for students. The exam usually takes place in February, and the results are typically published in May or June. Students who pass the SSC exam are awarded the Secondary School Certificate, which is a critical document for further education and employment opportunities.

Historical Data on the Number of Students Attending the SSC Exam 2023

To understand the expected number of students attending the SSC exam in 2023, let us first take a look at historical data. In 2019, a total of 2,031,889 students attended the SSC exam. The number of students who attended the exam in 2020 was lower due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in 2021, the number of students increased to 1,635,240. This increase was mainly due to the resumption of in-person classes and the relaxation of pandemic-related restrictions.

It is difficult to predict the exact number of students who will attend the SSC exam in 2023. However, we can make an estimate based on historical data and trends. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics, the number of students attending the SSC exam is expected to increase gradually. Therefore, we can expect the number of students attending the SSC exam in 2023 to be higher than the number who attended the exam in 2021.

Factors Affecting the Number of Students Attending the SSC Exam 2023

Several factors can affect the number of students attending the SSC exam. One of the most significant factors is the education system's quality and accessibility. If the education system is of high quality and easily accessible, more students are likely to attend the exam. Another factor is the socio-economic conditions of the country. If the socio-economic conditions are favorable, more students are likely to attend the exam.

There are several factors that can affect the number of students appearing for the SSC exam in any given year. One of the primary factors is the population growth rate in the country. Bangladesh has one of the highest population growth rates in the world, and this means that there will be more students reaching the SSC exam age in 2023.

Another factor that can affect the number of students is the overall economic situation in the country. A strong economy can lead to more students attending school and taking the SSC exam, while a weak economy may have the opposite effect.

Lastly, changes in government policies and initiatives can also impact the number of students attending the SSC exam. For example, if the government decides to introduce new scholarships or subsidies for SSC students, this may encourage more students to take the exam.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the SSC Exam

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the education system in Bangladesh. Schools and colleges were closed for an extended period, and students had to rely on online classes for learning. The pandemic also caused delays in the SSC exam, and many students had to wait longer to take the exam. The number of students attending the exam in 2020 was significantly lower than in previous years due to the pandemic-related disruptions. However, with the gradual resumption of in-person classes and the relaxation of restrictions, we can expect the number of students attending the SSC exam to increase gradually. 

Current Trends and Statistics

Before we dive deeper into the topic, let's take a look at some current trends and statistics. According to the Education Board, there has been a steady increase in the number of students attending the SSC exam over the past few years. In 2019, a total of 2,135,333 students appeared for the exam, while in 2020, this number increased to 2,474,569. This shows a growth rate of approximately 16%.

Based on these statistics, we can expect the number of students appearing for the SSC exam in 2023 to be even higher. However, it's important to note that this increase may not be uniform across all regions and education boards.

Preparing for the SSC Exam 2023

Regardless of how many students attend the SSC exam in 2023, it's important for each individual student to focus on their own preparation. The SSC exam is a crucial step in a student's academic journey, and it's essential to perform well in this exam to ensure a bright future.

Students should start their preparation early, ideally from the beginning of their SSC year. They should attend classes regularly, complete all assignments and homework on time, and revise their lessons thoroughly. Practicing past papers and mock tests can also help students prepare well for the exam.


In conclusion, the number of students attending the SSC exam in 2023 is expected to be higher than in previous years. However, the actual number may vary depending on several factors such as population growth rate, economic situation, and government policies.

Regardless of the number of students, it's important for each individual student to focus on their own preparation and give their best in the exam. We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights into this topic, and we wish all SSC students the best of luck in their exams.

FAQs about the SSC Exam in 2023

Here are some common questions that students and parents may have about the SSC exam in 2023.

When is the SSC exam expected to take place in 2023?

The SSC exam in 2023 is expected to take place in February, as it is held every year around the same time.

What is the eligibility criteria for attending the SSC exam?

To attend the SSC exam, a student must be enrolled in grade 10 in a recognized educational institution. They must have also completed the necessary coursework and meet other requirements set by the Ministry of Education.

How many subjects are included in the SSC exam?

The SSC exam usually includes nine subjects, including Bangla, English, mathematics, science, social science, and optional subjects.

What is the passing grade for the SSC exam?

The passing grade for the SSC exam is 33 marks out of 100 in each subject.

How are the SSC exam results published?

The SSC exam results are usually published on the official website of the education board. Students can also check their results by sending a text message from their mobile phones.

Can students retake the SSC exam if they fail?

Yes, students can retake the SSC exam if they fail to pass it in the first attempt. They can appear for the exam during the following year.

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